Anonymous said...
If the collections will support it how about time-shifting the run of KMEN surveys so that they will be in sync, more or less, on a week to week basis with KFXM? I think this 40 year flashback run is great.
John fron Fontana (back then)
Mon Dec 18, 10:36:32 PM PST
The problem is that at the end of 1966 KMEN started putting out an eight page newspaper. If I did that, I proabably would only be able to to do the survey section, which covered two pages plus the cover page.
Readers give me your opinion.
Contiue the K/MEN surveys as is, or match the date with the KFXM surveys. Right now I only have time to do one or the other.
Mon Dec 18, 10:46:23 PM PST