Sunday, May 28, 2006

More K/MEN

From the June 3, 1967 K/MEN newspaper the weekly survey included in the center of the issue, plus the back page.

also a request for the DJs names and time slots pictured in the last post, so for everybody:

(Center) Robert E. Walker 6-9am///#5 Fred Kiml(that's how they spelled his name on KMEN) 9-Noon

#6 Johnny Darin12-3pm///#3 Dave McCormick 3-6pm/// (First) T. Michael Jordon 6-9pm

///#2 Bobby West 9-Mid/// Ron Christian Mid-6am

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey thank you...i was one who wrote in earlier DO care about us readers, don't you? you're awlllrighhhtt (as janis would say)