The cartoon appears to be the KMEN headed home with Quinn, Dusty Morgan, Gene Lane, Buddy Scott. Also the only mention of Ted Ziegenbusch as Zig the Fish(prophetic). I'm not sure who Kelly the fish is. Anybody? Anybody?

KFXM and KMEN the Top 40 stations of the Inland Empire (San Bernardino/Riverside)in the 1960's. This site will bring you information and pictures from these two stations KFXM 590 and KMEN 1290. For other musical and miscellaneous interests take a look at.........................http://djsgone.blogspot.com/ Also known as........UNDERGROUND VAULT of Records, Music and all kinds of Stuff
Hey Doug,
Do you have any surveys or pics
of Doug De Roo or Ken Levine/(Stevens aka Beaver Cleaver)?
Also would it be possible for you
to start posting front and back of every K/MEN survey in order starting the first one in '62?
No Doug DeRoo or Ken Levine. They wee probably after 1973. There was an anniversary K/Mentertainer in 1982 that Doug might be in, in a group picture. I only have a photocopy I'll find that and post it.
Good idea to post the surveys, but I don't have them all. I may at a future date start posting what I have. I posted the first KMEN survey in May, if you didn't see it. Doug
hi doug
can you post the K/MENtertainer that first pictured Harry Scarborough along w/ the other guys that were there w/ him?
BiLL :)
I saw a car on the 91 freeway at this morning with the license plate "KMEN DJ." It was a man with a beard, 60-something years old. Got any idea who that might be? Got any recent pics of the DJs?
Wow, a blast from the past! I too would love to see any archived pictures of Harry Scarborough.
Keep on truckin'!
Kelly (the other fish) in the cartoon picture was Frank Kelly, our chief engineer and occasional weekender. I just found your site, thanks to a friend's email. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Ted Ziegenbusch
KOST 103.5/Los Angeles
(formerly "Zig" or Ted Ziegenbusch at K/men 1968-73, "Ziggy in the Morning" on KCAL-FM 1973-80).
Frank Kelly the fish here. As Ted mentioned I did weekends, fill-in and was the head technical sparky at KMEN in the early 70s. I even drew that picture of the K-MEN in the boat. If you look in the bottom right corner you'll see my ham-radio callsign WB6CWN.
We sure had fun in those days. I can still remember the layout of the control room and production studios in what Scooter Seagraves called the "Cow Pasture Communications Complex".
Just playing the hits.....
My name is Rex Ramsey. I DJ'd for KFXM and KMEN from 1973-1975. I had the 11PM -3AM shift M-f, on KFMM.
Do you have any surveys or items that reference me. If so I'd love to get some cpies if possible.
I live in Highland now.
My email is rexier@yahoo.com.
Nice Blog you have here!
I remember a contest where the DJ stayed awake for something like 11 or 12 days, and I'm wanting to think it was on station KMEN. This would have been around 1966 or thereabouts. As I recall it was live in San Bernardino on site. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
1966 is right. Chuck Christiansen stayed awake for I don't know how many hours. I will see if I can find the information, and put up a post about it.
Could there have been two Mike Ford's at KMEN? One in 1962 and one later on in the 70's.
I should have said were there two Mike Ford's at KMEN. One in 1962 and one later in the 60's to the 70's.
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