Sunday, July 06, 2008

and the answer is.....

One of these three djs Al Anthony, Bob Griffin or Barry Boyd....
In an earlier post, I had mentioned that before Bruce Chandler went from K/men to KFXM, there was someone else who had earlier gone from KFXM to K/men then back to KFXM. I received two correct answers, one from Bill Earl and one from Bruce Chandler himself.

Bill said Bob Griffin, and was correct.

Bruce's response.
Doug...just checked your answer to your question about who went from KFXM to K/men back to KFXM....I think it was BOB GRIFFIN...funny guy! I loved his act...he was one of my favorite jocks...I started listening to KFXM in late December, 1960.....and fell in love with radio by January, 1961!!! By then, I knew I wanted to spend my life in broadcasting....take care....Bruce

Bob Griffin started at KFXM (June 1961-Sept 1963) worked at K/men Middle of 1965 for about 6-7 months, and then back to KFXM early 1966 for about 6-7 months.
Bob Griffin was at the K/men induction into the Route 66 Hall Of Fame in San Bernardino. He one of the eight people sitting at the same table where I was sitting, and I didn't know who he was, until they called off his name, and he went to the front of the room with the other K/men. I missed an opportunity to talk to him


Anonymous said...

Looks like Bob Griffin was part
of the KFXM October Massacre.
They moved into the Holiday Inn
on 10/1/63. I remember it oh
so well. Of course, the station
made a big deal out of it.
And it was! The years that
followed was KFXMs best, in
my opinion. They truly
were "fun radio 59".

William F. Earl said...

Thanks, Doug, for giving me credit for my correct answer.
I'm no "Bruce Chandler", but I was THERE hanging around (after being dropped off w/ lunch money at) the Holiday Inn from 1964-1968 when my father was doing business in the I.E. After he retired in 1968, those days ended. :(

BiLL Earl

Much of my on-line radio archives is on loan" at:

Anonymous said...

I think everybody liked
Bob Griffin's schtick on the radio.
He was funny, sassy, poked subtle
fun into most everything and kept
the music playing. He was
creative. Maybe that comes from
playing the same music day after
day. For that, I love the
"BG get-together" as he called it.

Does anybody know what BG did
after leaving KFXM? Can't imagine
he would leave radio altogether.
If anybody knows, let us all know.

Anonymous said...

As I recall Bob had a long run on country KCKC 1350.