Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"It was 48 years ago today...when Huckleberry began to play"

The K/men are coming...

March 10, 1962 at 6am K/men signed on the air with Chuck "Hucklebery" Clemans. With the song Chip Chip by Gene McDaniels.

The first thing about I remember about K/men was the bustop bench on the corner of Highland and G advertising "The K/men Are Coming", as I was riding along in my parent's 1960 Chevy Impala. I had no idea what that meant. (K/men, not riding in the Chevy Impala)
As we all know, the rest is history


Anonymous said...

That 1st KMEN top 10 is a gem.
Yep, remember hearing those
songs over and over their
first weekend. They made sure
the most recognized hits got
heard again and again.

This day shookup KFXM to it's
core. KFXM did reinvent themselves
by 65 and both stations were

Lord Darth Rageous said...

BOTH THE FORMER K.I.T.O. and pre-Tiger Radio KFXM radio operations were still plugging away with Popular/Middle-Of-The-Road music formats and on-the-air delivery still stuck in the 1950's archaic 'every-DJ-for-himself' mindset...
then came along a new station owner with consultant Ron Jacobs and program director Bill Watson who modernised the programming, introducing the new K.M.E.N. operation with more pop/rock music selctions, a shorter playlist and established a 24-hour sound blanket which broadcast a total "image" package geared for
the growing baby boomer audience.

yes, indeed, when the K/Men arrived on the scene, it shook up the San Bernardino/Riverside radio market!